Cash overflow

Spending money on utilities? That's for amateurs who tremble at the mere thought of a true gunfight. Why bother with smoke grenades, flashbangs, or Molotov cocktails when you could be investing in the real firepower? After all, who needs tactical advantages when you can rely on raw skill and marksmanship? Save your cash for the weapons that really matter, the ones that pack a punch and make your enemies quiver in fear. In the world of Counter-Strike, it's not about playing it safe; it's about embracing the chaos and emerging victorious through sheer force and determination.

Eco rounds are for those lacking in confidence, those who shy away from the thrill of battle. As the legendary S1mple once famously remarked: "It's easy, just hit!" Indeed, the concept is as straightforward as it gets: eliminate the enemy and emerge victorious. Why bother with conservative strategies when you can charge headfirst into the fray, guns blazing, and assert your dominance on the battlefield? After all, fortune favors the bold, and in Counter-Strike, boldness often translates to swift and decisive victory.

Never drop weapons for your teammates; doing so might leave you short on cash when it comes time to purchase that dream weapon. Furthermore, there's the risk of them snatching your kills with YOUR prized possession! Don't let that happen. They don't deserve your generosity, anyway.